MARCH 1983
BORGENS FORLAG (ISBN 87-418-5463-2)

The Reconstruction Is Greater (“Genopbyggelsen er større end selve skabelsen”) is Martin Hall’s debut as a writer. It is a book that in its openly hostile tone against its time and culture caused quite a stir at its release in 1983.

The attention surrounding the book focused very much on its mere 19-year-old author – at the time already appointed “the spokesman of a new generation” by the Danish press – and his ability to work with the Danish language in unprecedented ways. The style of the writing was abrupt, more statement-like than poetic, and defined its own level of application in the introduction to the book:

“This has nothing to do with art – this is symptom above intellectual vanity.”

Genre: Prose
Pages: 133 (illustrated)
Design: Martin Hall

“This has nothing to do with art – this is symptom above intellectual vanity.”

The release was graphically illustrated by the Martin Hall as well, mainly collage works with motives focusing on human submission.

Being released simultaneously with the author’s first solo record, Ritual, this “double feature” presentation emphasized Hall’s artistic many-sidedness and his early status as one of the 80-generation’s most important cultural characters.