Weightless Man under Ominous Sky is a diary written by Martin Hall during his involvement as a judge in the Danish National Television Talent 2008 contest, a primetime show that ran for three months during the fall this year.

From the moment he agreed to participate in the project, his focus was to write this book about the course, and the journal gathers Hall’s thoughts and experiences during the process. At times the book is a clinical dissection of the mainstream medias, at others it’s a raging chaos of self-doubt and disgust.

The release is subtitled ”A social experiment in the shadow of music hall culture” which might be the best way to describe the project as a whole – as an equally diplomatic and diplomanic analysis of an entertainment industry as ruthless as it’s fascinating.

Genre: Diary
Pages: 274
Design: Kenneth Schultz
Photo: Territorium

"I've just received an email asking about  my interest in whether or not I'd like to be a judge in DR1's new big fall competition, Talent 2008. Hmm. A truly transgressive question."

”Cynical, profound and icecold reflections on present day media culture and entertainment television.”
Berlingske Tidende (the Danish equivalent to The Times)

“Tough and breathtaking … Razor-sharp, thoughtful and morbidly funny observations carried by a very precise sense of language. “
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Nordjyske Stiftstidende (major regional newspaper)

“The book shows Hall from his most witty corner and he does so very well. He is actually really funny and manages to keep a good balance throughout the course of the book.”
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Gaffa (Denmarks biggest music magazine)

Due to its bold and fairly confrontational approach to the show the book caused quite a scandal at the time of its release. It was received with reviews ranging from 5 out of 6 stars appraisals to pure condemnation by the more conservative press.

On the following picture Martin Hall is seen with his two co-hosts, director of Lars von Trier’s film company Zentropa Peter Aalbæk Jensen and musical star Julie Steincke.